A Full Guide in Starting a Organic Skin Care Routine

A Full Guide in Starting a Organic Skin Care Routine

Our skin is the most exposed organ in our bodies and it is important to take care of it, just like how we take care of the rest of our organs. A skincare routine is important for maintaining healthy and glowing skin. It can be difficult to know where to start when creating a skincare routine.

This guide will help you build a solid foundation so that you can have healthy skin for years to come.


What is a skin care beauty routine?

A skincare routine is a set of steps that you follow regularly in order to take care of your skin. These steps may include cleansers, toners, serums, moisturizers, and sunscreens. The best way to find out what works for your skin is to experiment with different products and see how your skin reacts. 


Reasons why you should have a skincare routine

First, it helps to remove dirt, oil, and makeup from your skin. This is important because these substances can clog your pores and lead to breakouts.

Second, a skincare routine can help to hydrate your skin and keep it looking plump and glowing.

Third, a skincare routine can help to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Now that we know why a skincare routine is important, let’s move on to how to create one.


Why is a skincare routine important?

A skincare routine is important because it helps to keep your skin healthy and free from damage. It also helps to prevent premature aging and the formation of wrinkles. Furthermore, a good natural beauty products can help to clear up acne and other blemishes. Moreover, the importance of boils down to the simple fact that our skin is the largest organ in our bodies. Just like we need to take care of our heart, lungs, and liver, we need to take care of our skin.  


Benefits of Having a Skincare Routine

1. It is a way to put vitamins onto your skin

Skin care products have ingredients that can help improve the overall health of your skin. For example, vitamin C is known to brighten the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.


2. It helps cleanse and detox your skin

A good skincare routine can help remove dirt, oil, and makeup from your pores. This is important because these substances can clog your pores and lead to breakouts. Some of the best natural ingredients for detox and cleansing are tea tree oil and charcoal.


3. It can help relieve and reduce stress

Taking care of your skin can be relaxing and therapeutic. It can be a great way to unwind after a long day and clear your mind before bedtime. Furthermore, the act of massaging your skin can help to increase blood circulation and promote relaxation.


4. It boosts confidence

When you have healthy and glowing skin, it will show in your confidence level. You will feel better about yourself and exude positive energy.


Elements of a Skincare Routine

When starting a skincare routine, you need to know the basics first. You should know which product should be used for which purpose. Here are the following elements that makes up a skincare routine:


1. Cleanser

Using a cleanser is the first step in any skin care routine. It’s important to choose a cleanser that is suitable for your skin type. Find out your skin type with our skin type quiz here.


2. Toners

Toners help to remove any traces of dirt, oil, and makeup that your cleanser may have missed. They also help to prep your skin for the next steps in your routine. Toners can be applied using a cotton pad or just spraying it directly onto your face.


3. Serums

Serums are concentrated doses of active ingredients that can help to address specific skin concerns. If you have acne-prone skin, you can use a serum with salicylic acid to help reduce breakouts. If you have aging skin, you can use a serum with retinol to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles.



4. Moisturizer

Moisturizers help to hydrate and nourish your skin. They also help to lock in moisture so that your skin doesn’t become dry and dull. Moisturizers come in different forms, such as lotions, creams, gels, and oils.


5. Sunscreen

Sunscreen is one of the most important steps in any skin care routine. It helps to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. It is important to choose a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.


Other Skin Care Products

Some people who have other skin conditions need to have additional products to use aside from the ones mentioned above. Other products you can use are:



Exfoliants help to remove dead skin cells from the surface of your skin. This can be done using a physical exfoliant, such as a scrub, or a chemical exfoliant, such as an acid. Exfoliating your skin helps to brighten and smooth the texture of your skin.



Mask courtesy image are another type of product that can help to address specific skin concerns. If you have dry skin, you can use a hydrating mask. If you have acne-prone skin, you can use a clay mask to help reduce oiliness and breakouts. Masks should be used 1-2 times per week.


Acne treatments

If you have acne-prone skin, you may need to use a treatment like Erase that contains high levels of natrually astringent and anti-inflammatory ingredients. It starts with two deeply anti-inflammatory ingredients – organic, wild-harvested fennel seed and organic calendula leaves. We’ve combined this with native Australian lemon tea tree essential oil. This locally sourced oil has highly anti-bacterial and anti-septic properties – it’s one of the world’s most powerful natural ingredients to combat acne.

The treatment is carefully finished with a hand-picked selection of astringent and Vitamin C rich plant extracts to reduce the severity of the breakout, prevent future flare-ups and encourage the skin's healing processes – Lemon & Mountain Yuzu (Australian Grown).


Under eye treatments

If you have puffiness or dark circles around your eyes, you can use a eye treatment to help brighten and hydrate the area, like our Eye Serum. It uses a rich blend of key, organic oils rich in essential plant-based lipids, free fatty acids and ceramides to nourish, soften and plump the dry, thin skin in this area. These combine with a proprietary mix of high-potency plant-based extracts – rich in antioxidants and vital phytonutrients to restore optimum health to the undereye including Calendula, Camelia, Green-tea, Chamomile, Passionflower, Papaya, Canaga Blossom, Boswelia. 


Lip scrubs

If you have dry, chapped lips, you can use a lip scrub to help exfoliate and hydrate your lips.


Knowing Your Skin Type

Before starting a skincare routine, you need to know your skin type. This will help you choose the right products for your skin. There are four main skin types: normal, dry, oily, and combination.


1. Oily skin

Oily skin can be difficult to manage because it is prone to breakouts. The key to managing oily skin is to keep it balanced and free from excess oil. You should use a gentle oil cleanser that will remove dirt and oil without stripping your skin of its natural oils. Read more about the benefits of using an oil cleanser for oily skin.



2. Dry skin

Dry skin can be difficult to manage because it is prone to irritation. The key to managing dry skin is to keep it hydrated. You should use a hydrating cleanser that will remove dirt and makeup without drying out your skin. Furthermore, you should use a rich moisturizer that will help lock in moisture. Read more about how to fix rough and dry skin.


3. Combination skin

Combination skin can be difficult to manage because it is a mix of both oily and dry skin. The key to managing combination skin is to find a balance between keeping your skin hydrated and preventing breakouts. You should use a gentle cleanser that will remove dirt and makeup without stripping your skin of its natural oils. 


4. Sensitive skin

Sensitive skin can be difficult to manage because it is prone to irritation. The key to managing sensitive skin is to find products that are gentle and free from harsh chemicals. You should use a hypoallergenic cleanser that will remove dirt and makeup without irritating your skin. Furthermore, you should use a fragrance-free moisturizer that will hydrate your skin without causing irritation. 

Psst! All Goodieco products are free from artificial nasties and are made from completely natural ingredients.


How to Create a Natural Skin Care Routine

The first step in creating a natural skin care routine is to figure out what type of skin you have. There are four main types of skin: oily, dry, combination, and sensitive. Find out your skin type with our skin type quiz here.

Once you know your skin type, you can start to put together a routine that will work for you.

The second step in creating a skin care routine is to choose the right products for your skin type. There are thousands of different skincare products on the market, so it can be overwhelming to try to figure out which ones to use.

However, you can narrow down your choices by looking for products that are designed for your specific skin type.

The third step in creating a skin care routine is to figure out the order in which you should apply your products. Generally, you should start with a cleanser, followed by a toner, then an nature or serum, and finally a moisturizer.

The fourth and final step in creating a skin care routine is to commit to a regular routine. In order to see results, you need to be consistent with your skin care routine. That means cleansing, toning, and moisturizing every day, even when you don’t feel like it. Additionally, you should make sure to use sunscreen every day, even if you’re not going outside.

A skin care routine may seem like a lot of work, but it’s important to remember that your skin is your largest organ. Taking care of your skin will not only improve your appearance, but it will also improve your overall health. So start today and commit to a regular skin care routine!



General Tips for Creating a Skincare Routine

Now that you know the basics, here are some tips to help you create a skin care routine that works best for you:


1. Start with a clean slate

Before adding any new products to your routine, it’s important to get rid of any dirt, oil, and makeup that’s already on your face. Use a gentle cleanser to wash your face twice a day.


2. Don’t overdo it

When it comes to skin care, less is more. You don’t need to use 10 different products every day. Start with a gentle cleanser, followed by a light moisturizer. Then, add in additional products as needed.


3. Choose products wisely

Not all skincare products are created equal. When choosing products for your routine, look for ones that are free from harsh chemicals and fragrances. Additionally, make sure to choose products that are designed for your specific skin type.


4. Be consistent

The key to seeing results is consistency. You need to commit to cleansing, toning, and moisturizing every day, even when you don’t feel like it. The same goes for sunscreen – make sure to apply it every day, even if you’re not going outside.


5. Listen to your skin

Your skin is your best guide. If a product is causing irritation or dryness, ditch it and try something else. Don’t be afraid to experiment until you find a routine that works for you.


6. Use the right cleanser

One of the most important steps in any skin care routine is cleansing. You need to use a cleanser that will remove dirt, oil, and makeup without stripping your skin of its natural oil courtesy image. For dry and sensitive skin types, look for a natural, hydrating cleanser. For oily and acne-prone skin, look for a balancing cleanser.



7. Apply toner correctly

Toner is an optional step in a skin care routine, but it can be beneficial for all skin types. When applying toner, make sure to use a cotton pad and apply it to clean, dry skin. Avoid using toner on broken or irritated skin.


8. Moisturize both night and day

Moisturizing is an essential step in any skin care routine. Make sure to apply a moisturizer both morning and night. For dry skin, look for an ultra hydrating, emollient moisturiser. For oily skin, look for a light, balancing moisturiser.


9. Use sunscreen every day

Sunscreen is one of the most important steps in any skin care routine. It’s important to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher every day, even when it’s cloudy outside. Apply sunscreen to clean, dry skin and make sure to reapply it every two hours – or more often if you’re swimming or sweating.


10. Don’t forget about your neck and chest

When applying sunscreen and moisturizer, don’t forget about your neck and chest. These areas are often overlooked, but they’re just as susceptible to sun damage and dryness as your face.


11. Choose the right makeup

If you wear makeup, it’s important to choose products that won’t clog your pores or irritate your skin. Look for makeup that is non-comedogenic and hypoallergenic. Additionally, make sure to remove your makeup every night before going to bed.


12. Clean your makeup and skin care tools

Your makeup and skin care tools can harbor bacteria and dirt, so it’s important to clean them on a regular basis. Wash your makeup brushes and sponges with soap and water at least once a week. And don’t forget to sanitize your tweezers, clippers, and other tools.


13. Take care of your lips

Your lips are delicate and can easily become dry and chapped. Make sure to apply a lip balm or cream every day to keep your lips hydrated.


14. Hydrate in and out

Doing a skin care routine will not be enough if you don't also maintain a healthy lifestyle. Make sure you're drinking enough water every day and eating a balanced diet. These simple steps will help to keep your skin looking its best.


15. Avoid direct sun exposure

One of the best ways to take care of your skin is to avoid direct sun exposure. If you must be in the sun, make sure to apply sunscreen and reapply it often. Additionally, wear protective clothing, such as a hat or long-sleeved shirt, to cover your skin.


16. Exfoliate a couple times a week

Exfoliation is an important step in any skin care routine. It helps to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores. For best results, exfoliate a couple times a week.

Here are our exfoliant recommendations for oily, acne prone skin, and dry, sensitive skin.


17. Massage your skin

Giving yourself a massage is a great way to relax and improve your skin’s appearance. When massaging your skin, be sure to use gentle circular motions. Experts recommend avoiding the eye area.


18. Manage stress

Stress can take a toll on your entire body, including your skin. When you’re stressed, your skin can become dry, irritated, and break out. To manage stress, try to get regular exercise, meditate, or do something that you enjoy.


19. Maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle

Eating a nutritious diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are two of the best ways to take care of your skin. Make sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Also, avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. These simple steps will help you to have healthier, more youthful-looking skin.


20. Get enough sleep

In addition to eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly, it’s also important to get enough sleep. Sleeping helps your body to repair and regenerate itself, which can help to improve the appearance of your skin.


Skin Care Tips for Each Skin Type

A skin care routine will come different depending on your skin type. Here are a few tips to help you care for each type of skin:

Dry Skin

If you have dry skin, it’s important to hydrate your skin both inside and out. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water and using a moisturizer that is right for your skin type. Additionally, avoid hot showers and baths, as they can further dry out your skin.


Oily Skin

If you have oily skin, it’s important to cleanse your face twice a day and use products that are non-comedogenic. Additionally, make sure to exfoliate regularly to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores.


Sensitive Skin

If you have sensitive skin, it’s important to use gentle, hypoallergenic products. Avoid products that contain fragrances, dyes, or other harsh chemicals. Additionally, make sure to test new products on a small area of skin before using them all over your face.


Acne-Prone Skin

If you have acne-prone skin, it’s important to cleanse your face twice a day and use an acne-fighting product. Additionally, make sure to exfoliate regularly and avoid picking at your skin. No matter what type of skin you have, following a regular skin care routine is the best way to keep your skin looking its best. By taking the time to care for your skin, you’ll be able to enjoy a lifetime of healthy, youthful-looking skin.


How to Choose the Right Product

When thinking of starting a skin care routine, you need to ask yourself some questions about it. How does it work? What are the effects of the product on the skin? All of these questions are necessary when choosing a skin care product.



Where is the product derived from?

This question should be easy enough to answer. If you can't find the answer on the packaging, you should be able to find it on the company's website. The answer to this question will determine how natural the product actually is. 

There are different types of skin, such as dry, oily, sensitive, and acne-prone skin. You need to make sure that the product you choose is compatible with your skin type.


What are the effects of the product?

This is an important question because you want a product that will suit your needs. You don't want a product that is going to make your skin dry if you have oily skin. Likewise, you don't want a product that is only going to make your skin fairer if you already have fair skin. Make sure that the product you choose caters to your specific needs.


Is the company reputable?

You want to make sure that you're buying a product from a company that is known for its quality products. A good way to determine this is to read online reviews of the product and the company. You can also check out the Better Business Bureau's website to see if there have been any complaints against the company.


How are the products processed?

You want to make sure that the natural skincare products you use are processed in a way that is gentle on the skin. You don't want to use products that are full of harsh chemicals and other irritants. All Goodieco products contain organic, cold pressed ingredients, locally sourced in Australia.

When starting a skin care routine, it's important to choose the right product for your specific needs. By taking the time to find a product that is compatible with your skin type and suits your needs, you'll be able to enjoy healthy, beautiful skin for years to come.


Types of Skin Care Product Ingredient

When choosing a skin care product, it's important to know what kind of ingredients are in it. Here are some common organic skin care ingredients and their benefits:


Anti-Aging Ingredients

These ingredients help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Common anti-aging ingredients include retinoids, peptides, niacinamide, and hyaluronic acid.

Check out our complete Ageless Overnight Routine here.



Peptides are short chains of amino acids that help to stimulate collagen production. Collagen is a protein that helps to keep skin looking firm and young. Peptides can also help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.



Niacinamide is a form of vitamin B3 that helps to brighten skin and even out skin tone. Additionally, niacinamide can help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.


Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a substance that occurs naturally in the skin. It helps to keep skin hydrated and looking plump. Additionally, hyaluronic acid can help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.


Exfoliating Ingredients

These ingredients help to slough off dead skin cells and unclog pores. Common exfoliating ingredients include alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids, and physical exfoliants.


Alpha Hydroxy Acids

This exfoliating ingredient is derived from fruits and milk. It helps to slough off dead skin cells and unclog pores. Additionally, alpha hydroxy acids can help to improve skin texture and tone.


Beta Hydroxy Acids

This exfoliating ingredient is derived from plants. It helps to slough off dead skin cells and unclog pores. Additionally, beta hydroxy acids can help to reduce inflammation and redness.


Physical Exfoliants

Physical exfoliants are ingredients that physically remove dead skin cells. Common physical exfoliants include facial scrubs and cleansing brushes. Physical exfoliation can be helpful for people with dry or sensitive skin.


Acne-Fighting Ingredients

These ingredients help to reduce the occurrence of acne breakouts. Common acne-fighting ingredients include salicylic acid and sulfur.


Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is a substance that helps to exfoliate the skin and unclog pores. Additionally, it can help to reduce inflammation and redness.



Sulfur is an ingredient that helps to kill acne-causing bacteria. Additionally, it can help to unclog pores and dry out pimples.

Cleansing Ingredients

These ingredients help to cleanse the skin and remove dirt, oil, and makeup. Common cleansing ingredients include surfactants and emulsifiers.



Surfactants are ingredients that help to break down oil and dirt. Additionally, they can help to remove makeup and other impurities from the skin.



Emulsifiers are ingredients that help to bind together oil and water. Additionally, they can help to create a creamy texture in skincare products.


Hydrating Ingredients

These ingredients help to keep skin hydrated and looking plump. Common hydrating ingredients include glycerin, hyaluronic acid, and shea butter.



Glycerin is a substance that occurs naturally in the skin. It helps to keep skin hydrated and looking plump. It is usually derived from plants or animals.


Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a substance that occurs naturally in the skin. It helps to keep skin hydrated and looking plump. Additionally, it can help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.


Shea Butter

Shea butter is a type of fat that is derived from nuts. It helps to keep skin hydrated and looking plump. Shea is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Now that you know the benefits of common skin care ingredients, it's time to choose a product!


Skin Care Product Labels

There are different types of skin care product levels including organic, green, vegan, clean, cruelty-free, and fair trade.



When you see an organic word on a skin care product's label, it means that the product has been made with at least 95% organic ingredients. These ingredients have been grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides, or other synthetic chemicals.



When you see a green word on a skin care product's label, it means that the product has been made with eco-friendly ingredients. These ingredients have been grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides, or other synthetic chemicals. Additionally, green products are often packaged in recyclable or biodegradable materials.



When you see a vegan word on a skin care product's label, it means that the product does not contain any animal-derived ingredients. This includes honey, beeswax, collagen, and keratin. Vegan products are also cruelty-free.



When you see a clean word on a skin care product's label, it means that the product does not contain any harmful ingredients. This includes parabens, phthalates, sulfates, and synthetic fragrances. Additionally, clean products are usually organic or natural.



When you see a cruelty-free word on a skin care product's label, it means that the product has not been tested on animals. These products have been verified by an organization such as Leaping Bunny or PETA.


Fair Trade

When you see a fair trade word on a skin care product's label, it means that the product has been made with ingredients that were sourced from farmers and workers who were paid a fair wage. Fair trade products often support sustainable farming practices.

Now that you know how to read organic skincare brand labels, it's time to choose the right product for your skin type!


The Best Skin Care Routines for Every Age

It's never too early or too late to start taking care of your skin. Here are the best skin care routines for every age:



In Your 20s…

Start using a natural alternative for a retinoid. We recommend Bounce, a powerful, all-natural Retinol alternative for younger-looking, smoother skin.

This natural skin booster gives you all the benefits of Retinol - without the irritating, drying side effects.

  • Smooths fine lines & wrinkles
  • Increases skin elasticity
  • Firms texture
  • Boosts collagen levels
  • Great for clearing up acne
  • Rich in vitamin E to repair the skin
  • High in Vitamin C to brighten and protect


In Your 30s…

Continue using your natural retinoid alternative and add an antioxidant to your routine. Antioxidants help to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Common antioxidants include vitamin C, green tea, and ferulic acid. We love our Dream Serume L'Orange. Additionally, use a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and make sure to apply it every day, even on cloudy days.


In Your 40s…

We recommend uplighting your skincare routine to a complete anti-aging routine that is going to hydrate, repair and help rebuild collagen. Sunscreen should also be used especially when exposed to a lot of sun.






The Bottom Line

Starting a skin care routine can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. By following these simple tips, you can easily create a routine that works for you. Just remember to be consistent, listen to your skin, and use products that are right for your skin type. With a little time and effort, you’ll be on your way to having the perfect skin in no time.