Our top skincare tips for repairing dry and sensitive skin

Our top skincare tips for repairing dry and sensitive skin

We all crave that glowy, fresh-skin look! Or is that just us?

But a lot of time, it just doesn’t come naturally. Whether it’s from lack of sleep, a bit too much stress at work, or that dry winter air, our skin can often look dull and tired, or just overreacting to the smallest things!

We are here to give you our top tips to repair dry, rough and sensitive skin, aside from the obvious ones that everyone will tell you, such as “get more sleep, drink more water, eat your fruit and vegetables.”

TIP ONE: Repair your acid mantle. aka the skin's moisture barrier

This tip is the driving force behind almost all we do here at GoodieCo. Without an intact natural barrier, the skin will always be compromised, and not able to perform and look its glowy best!

Not sure what we're on about? Check out our blog Why Oil Cleanse - but basically, when you repair the acid mantle, your skin is able to lock in its natural moisture and will keep its own healthy glow!


TIP TWO: Switch to an oil cleanser

An oil cleanser helps balance our acid mantle, keeping it at a slightly acidic level, and cleanses away excess dirt and oil on our skin, without stripping away the protection of the acid mantle.

When looking for a cleanser, avoid the following ingredients, as they can further dry out or irritate your skin: 

  • sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS)
  • those that derive from mineral oil, including petroleum and paraffin
  • parabens
  • diethanolamine (DEA)
  • monoethanolamine (MEA)
  • triethanolamine (TEA)

Aim for an all-natural cleanser, which includes grapeseed oil (rich in Linoleic acid and resveratrol), and Avocado oil, (high in essential fatty acids/ oleic acid to nourish and moisturize dry skin) Look for anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich properties, such as Rose Geranimum extract.

TIP THREE: Hydration, of course!

The use of a powerful moisturiser is the next step to repairing dry or sensitive skin. Facial oil, rich in plant-based lipids, free fatty acids and ceramides, is a good place to start, as this will aid in replenishing moisture at a deep cellular level, soothe any redness and irritation, and provides a dose of antioxidants essential for optimal skin health. Look for an emollient facial oil, which will repair damage to the skin barrier, and fill in the gaps to create a smooth and soft surface.

TIP FOUR: Use a serum every day

No matter your skin type, a serum will help keep your skin looking youthful and fresh. It will revitalise, tone and smooth your skin.

Our favourites are the Dream Serum and Rose Dream Serum, both of which not only will ultra-hydrate and plump your skin without feeling heavy, it finishes with a beautifully smooth texture that acts as the perfect primer if you then apply your makeup on top!

Our Serums are made from only natural ingredients. Polysaccharide-rich extracts of Cucumber Fruit and Marshmallow with astringent properties to balance the skin, improve the appearance of pores, tighten, hydrate and soothe skin. Davidson plum – native to Australia – rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants to help repair & nourish the skin – with natural Alpha Hydroxy Acids to help clear and tone pores. Plus Lilly Pilly extract – an indigenous Australian botanical that naturally boosts Vitamin A levels and stimulates collagen production.


TIP FIVE: Exfoliate regularly - but not too much

Like dust on a polished surface, old, dead skin cells can make even the dewiest skin look dull and decidedly un-lustrous. Exfoliating is the quickest and easiest way to brighten your skin. Just be sure to limit your exfoliation to a maximum of five times per week, even if you feel like your skin can handle it.

Exfoliation also helps your skincare products absorb into the skin better, which means an extra boost of nutrients, hydration and glow.



TIP SIX: Try a humidifier

Low humidity may be a factor in drying your skin. Use a humidifier in rooms where you spend a lot of time. Adding moisture to the air may prevent your skin from drying. Make sure your humidifier is easy to clean, which can avoid bacteria buildup.

TIP SEVEN: Don't forget to mist!

A good face mist is not just fancy water in a spray bottle! 

It can be the perfect finishing touch to your dewy look, invigorating your skin and sealing in all that goodness.

Find one enriched with Vitamin C - known as the powerhouse ingredient to help brighten your skin, combat pigmentation, and contribute to overall better skin health. Just like our Cushion - Hydro Essences Face Mist.


TIP EIGHT: Sunscreen

We hate to sound like your mother, but the only way to get your healthiest, brightest, most glowing complexion is to keep damaging UV rays far away from your precious cells. You know what that means—sunscreen, every day, no matter what.