What You Need to Know About Oil Cleansing (Benefits Cleansing Oils)

Our skin is the most exposed part of our body. It gets exposed to a lot of elements such as dirt, heat, and more. Therefore, it is essential that we take care of it by using the best skin care products.
One of the most popular beauty trends today is oil cleansing. This beauty technique is catching a lot of attention because it has a lot of benefits, such as treating acne and getting rid of dead cells on your face. It can also remove makeup effectively without having to go through all those complicated steps that you have to follow if you want to do regular facial cleansing oils.
What is oil cleansing?
Oil cleansing reverts back from ancient times when people who were living in tribes made their own cleaning product from natural oils instead of buying expensive soap which they saw as too extravagant for them at that time. In those days, people used to use various types of oils such as palm kernel oil, olive oil, almond oil, among other natural ingredients to clean their face and body.
Types of Oil Used for Oil Cleansing
There are several types of oils used for oil cleansing. Here those types:
1) Castor Oil
Skin castor oil is rich in vitamin E and proteins which help your skin to retain moisture. It is also an essential part of hair care because it can improve the elasticity of the hair, making it shiny and smooth. This type of oil has high acidity, though, so people with sensitive skin may not be able to use this type of oil.
2) Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is made out of fatty acids that are good for any kind of skin type. It is also rich in antioxidants which keep free radicals at bay by neutralizing them before they damage our cells even more than they already have been damaged. You can choose between virgin coconut oil or refined coconut oil depending on what you need for your personal skincare routine.
3) Grapeseed Oil
Grapeseed oil is lightweight and non-comedogenic, meaning that it won't clog your pores. This type of oil is essential for people with oily skin so they can keep their skin clean without drying it out too much. It also contains vitamin E which nourishes the skin and prevents wrinkles from appearing at a young age.
4) Jojoba Oil
Jojoba oil has an interesting property because it is not actually an oil but rather a liquid wax that comes from the jojoba plant's seeds. The advantage of this kind of oil is that it closely mimics our natural sebum production, which means that this type of oil won't clog your pores either.
5) Olive Oil
Olive oil is great for all skin types. It can balance out excess sebum production, which is one of the most common problems that people with oily skin have. On top of that, this type of oil has anti-aging properties which prevent wrinkles from appearing too soon on your face.
6) Grapeseed Oil
Grapeseed oil is lightweight and non-comedogenic, meaning that it won't clog your pores. This type of oil is essential for people with oily skin so they can keep their skin clean without drying it out too much. It also contains vitamin E which nourishes the skin and prevents wrinkles from appearing at a young age.
7) Argan Oil
Argan oil is a luxurious product because it is made from the kernels of argan trees found in Morocco. In fact, this oil has been shown to have high levels of vitamin E and omega-6 fatty acids, too. This type of oil is great for hydrating your skin and preventing acne and other skin conditions that may affect you.
You can use any type of natural oils you want to achieve healthy aging skin, clean skin while getting rid of makeup and dirt at the same time. All these oils are generally safe for sensitive types of skin as well since they don't contain comedogenic properties such as coconut oil or jojoba oil do.
How Oil Cleansing Works
So, how exactly does the oil cleansing method work? Here's a quick rundown of what you need to know: You can make your own oil cleanser by mixing olive, castor, sesame seed, and sunflower seed oils together. Or you can go to a nearby pharmacy and buy an OCM (Olive Oil Cleansing Method) product which already has those ingredients mixed for you
You have to massage your dry skin with the oil you have chosen thoroughly before wetting it again. The water will emulsify the oil into a milky substance that will then be removed from your face using a warm washcloth. After that step is done, you should wash your face with lukewarm water, then with cold water to close your pores.
Benefits of Oil Cleansing
There are a lot of people who have tried oil cleansing, and they haven't experienced any problems thanks to its many benefits. Here are just some of them:
1) It moisturizes the skin deeply.
Oil cleansers is a great way to cleanse and moisturize your skin at the same time because of the oil. After using this method you will notice that your face is soft and hydrated, which makes it look much healthier than before you started.
2) It cleanses the pores thoroughly.
If you follow this practice on a daily basis, you will also see improvements in terms of pore cleansing because certain oils can penetrate deep into your pores removing all dirt and bacteria that may be hiding there if left alone for too long. This reduces the chances of having breakouts or blackheads by a significant amount making your skin appear much cleaner than before.
3) It acts as an anti-aging product as well.
The antioxidants found in natural oils are essential for fighting free radicals which damage our skin. Using oils on your face will not only keep it clean and hydrated, because of the presence of antioxidants in them, but also prevent wrinkles from appearing too soon.
4) Your makeup will sit better on your face.
Since the oils moisturize, cleanse and tighten up your pores, they can also keep your makeup from sliding off or looking patchy. You don't have to worry about applying a primer before putting on foundation because this oil cleansing method will still make it stay in place all day long.
5) It prevents acne and other skin conditions .
A lot of people say that their breakouts have reduced significantly since starting to use natural oils as a cleanser. This is mainly because those oils remove bacteria from the face while improving the overall hydration levels so you won't get dry patches whenever you apply some cream or whatever skincare product you prefer to use during the day. Using oils can also reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, which will make your face look much younger than it actually is.
How to Use Oil for Cleansing
Oil cleansing can be used both by itself or together with other skincare products you might be using at the moment. It all depends on you what kind of cleanser you want to use. However, even if you go for something different, don't forget about oil cleansing as well because many experts claim that this method improves the results of any other type of product that claims to cleanse your skin. There are a few steps to follow when doing oil cleansing . Here they are:
1) Pour some oil into your cupped hand.
2) Massage it onto dry skin for around one minute
3) Wet the skin again with some lukewarm water, but not hot or cold water because it might irritate your pores.
4) Massage for another minute until the oil turns into a milky substance
5) Take a washcloth and wipe off whatever is left on your face.
6) Wash your face with a regular cleanser to remove all of the oil that may still be there after you have wiped it off using warm water.
7) Use toner and moisturizer if necessary.
8) Apply sunscreen before leaving the house (if not already wearing it). Remember that since you are doing oil cleansing, you don't need to moisturize beforehand because the oils will keep your skin hydrated for a few hours.
Always remember to clean your makeup brushes after you have used them so they can stay ashy and healthy
There are people who prefer different oils to use when doing oil cleansing . Some of them like coconut, grape seed or avocado oil; others may want to mix several types together for the skin benefits that they all provide. The choice is yours and if you need some advice on which one would be more suitable for you.
Things You Need to Know About Oil Cleansing
Before you decide to use oil for cleansing your face and skin, you should know that there are some things that you need to take into consideration. While the majority of people who use oils for cleansing haven't experienced any problems, not everyone can do it because of their skin type and other factors such as age, medical condition, medication intake etc.
The first thing is that the method described in this article is for people with oily skin only. If your skin isn't like this and is more dry or sensitive instead, you should never try oil cleansing until you consult a dermatologist and get his opinion on whether it's safe for you or not. You may also want to know that when using oil on your face always remember that less is more when it comes to how much oil you will put on your face at once. Oil cleansing may cause breakouts.
Since this method is for those with oily skin, it goes without saying that people who have dry or sensitive skin shouldn't use it because their type of skin will only make things worse. You should also know that using oils on your face and rubbing them all over the surface of your skin can be too much for some types of acne and breakout-prone people resulting in more blemishes instead of getting rid of them. Even if oil cleansing isn't safe for everyone, you should never forget how beneficial it can be to us if we're careful enough not to abuse it.
Tips on How to Do Oil Cleansing Correctly
If you want to try oil cleansing but aren't sure what type of oil you should use, don't worry because this article has everything you need to know about it.
1) Choose natural ingredients.
The first thing you must do is make sure that you are choosing natural ingredients for your face cleansing routine, not chemicals or harsh ingredients that can damage the skin. If there are products with natural oils already mixed in them, then they are perfect for this method.
Additionally, if you have extremely sensitive skin, it might be best to choose organic coconut oil instead of any other types of oil just in case it causes a change reaction or makes an existing condition worse.
2) Do it the night before.
If you want to know how to oil cleanse method step properly, you should always do it at least once a day but preferably in the evening before going to bed. This is especially good for people with oily skin because they can use this method as long as they wish without worrying about any type of bad reactions after several months of using it daily.
3) Use just enough oil for your face.
It's important that you only use the right amount of oil depending on how big or small your face is because putting too much of it on one area may lead to breakouts oil cleansing or other problems that are not worth experiencing if you ask me. Using an excess amount will definitely result in more dirt being left behind on your skin which will only clog the pores and may cause blackheads, acne or other problems.
4) Apply a thin layer on the face.
Even if some people do oil cleansing twice a day, I'm going to tell you right away that this is not good for your skin whatsoever. Doing it too often can be problematic because oils can make your skin more sensitive and can lead to irritation or a breakout from time to time when used more than what's needed on the face.
Make sure that you're applying just one thin layer of oil on your face before massaging it gently in circular motions until it covers everything including all parts of the neck. It doesn't matter what type of oil you choose to use as long as it doesn't dry out your skin or cause an allergic reaction.
Who Can Benefit from Oil Cleansing the Most?
Aside from helping with acne, oily skin is also one of the main things that can benefit tremendously from this method for various reasons.
First of all, it may help balance hormones in people who suffer from hormonal breakouts like women do when they get their periods which means there's no need to buy extra products for treating blemishes if you're already doing oil cleansing on a regular basis!
Second of all, some types of oils (like jojoba oil )can actually remove dead cells that are causing blackheads and whiteheads, resulting in a more even looking complexion that seems younger and brighter.
Lastly but not least importantly, it can remove makeup and other impurities from the face without irritating the skin, which makes it perfect for people with sensitive skin .
Remember that oil cleansing is not bad for your skin whatsoever as long as you are careful enough about how often you do it on a daily basis. By following these tips , you're already taking care of your hygiene in one go so there's no excuse to cut back on this routine if you want to have clear, beautiful looking skin.
In Conclusion
There are a lot of different ways of taking care of your face and body, but one thing is certain –natural oils are the best things you can use for various purposes, including cleansing. Now that you know how to oil cleanse without a doubt, there's no way that you shouldn't try it out! Just make sure to choose natural ingredients and only do it once a day at most if you have sensitive skin.