What’s the deal with facial oils and why do you need to use one?

Did you know that oil (the right oil) can actually treat many skin issues, including reactive skin, rosacea, and even oily skin! Sounds contradictory?

We dive into what are facial oils, how facial oils work and how they can benefit you, no matter what your skin type.

Top Tips for Skincare Post Workout

Working up a sweat actually does wonders for your skin, but with the sweat, comes some consequences if you’re not mindful. Sweat flushes out your pores, which can bring on congestion and breakouts, and possibly become a breeding ground for bacteria and irritation.

Top 10 benefits of Vitamin C in your skincare

Do you actually know what your Vitamin C serum is doing for you? Or why you should include it in your skincare routine, stat.

Our Vitamin C ingredient, found in all our Dream Serums as part of our Trios, is derived from the Kakadu Plums, which have the highest recorded natural amount of vitamin C of any food in the world. 

6 Ingredients To Avoid In Your Skincare

We understand it can be daunting and overwhelming when embarking on the journey of avoiding toxic ingredients in your cosmetics.

The alarming truth is that the law is very relaxed and does not protect the consumer against all these toxins found in skincare products. Products are allowed to be marketed without government approval of these dangerous ingredients.

Do natural skincare ingredients actually work?

Natural skincare products are not a new craze, by any means. Everywhere you look these days, brands are claimed 100% natural, organic, pure ingredients.

But do these naturally derived elements actually work for your skin?

Can your skin type change?

Short answer, yes. But how and why? We are diving into a look at the various different factors that can affect your skin type and sometimes cause a complete 180 in how your skin behaves (bit rude, really.)

And more importantly, how you can handle these skin changes.

How does alcohol affect your skin & top 4 tips to reduce the effects

If you, like so many of us, like to partake of a tasty alcoholic beverage or two every now and then, you may have noticed some not so attractive side effects for your skin. These may include redness, dry, scaly skin, breakouts and inflammation. Not something you want to wake up to, after a night out.

9 Skincare Essentials For Your Anti-Aging Routine

Have you ever wondered what age you should start using anti-aging products? Dermatologists agree it should be in your early 20s! This is when your skin starts to lose its collagen content and the aging process begins. Let’s look at 9 essential parts of your anti-aging routine.

Part 2. The different types and causes of acne and how to treat it.

Acne cannot be put under one category, either. It’s what we call a “multifactorial disease,” which means that it can be caused by many factors. 

This is why your breakout may look very different from the next person!

In Part Two, we are looking today at the different types of acne, the causes and how to treat these successfully.