Part 1. The different types and causes of acne and how to treat it.

Acne cannot be put under one category, either. It’s what we call a “multifactorial disease,” which means that it can be caused by many factors. 

These different triggers can then present as a wide variety of blemishes, ranging from whiteheads, “blind” pimples (nodules), blackheads, angry red pustules and more.

We are looking today at the different types of acne, the causes and how to treat these successfully.

What is rosacea and how can you treat it?

Has your blush turned against you? Evolved into small bumps and constant redness? Maybe even visible capillaries across your face?
You may be suffering from rosacea.
We're covering today how you can treat rosacea through proper skincare.

The effect of sugar on your skin

Problems can arise when you consume too much added sugar — that is, sugar that food manufacturers add to products to increase flavour or extend shelf life.

These problems range from obesity, diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver disease and cancer, to name a few!

But how does sugar affect your skin?  Let's look at 4 ways sugar can and will mess with your skin health!

Mistakes you could be making that is causing dehydrated skin and premature aging (Mistakes Causing Dehydrated Skin)

Every day, your skin loses water. 
As you get older, your body’s internal processes slow down and take longer to complete or recharge.

This leaves room for signs of aging, such as wrinkles and age spots, to occur.

Let's talk about 7 mistakes you could be making to speed up or worsen these issues, and how you can reverse them.

What is sebum and why should it matter to you?

If you have ever suffered from oily skin, breakouts, acne, or all of the above, you may have found yourself googling causes of these issues. Found yourself down a bit of an internet black hole? We hear you! 

There is a lot of confusing information out there, as it affects a vast majority of people at some point in their lives, so we want to clear up any uncertainty about one of the most common factors in this issue: sebum.

Why our exfoliants and masks are in dry powder form

You may have noticed that quite a few of our Goodies arrive at your door in a dry-powder state, such as UnMask, Bright Face Polish or POW - CQ10.

Why is this, you may wonder? Why should we choose to keep the ingredients dry, as opposed to a paste or liquid form?

Steps to manage acne and breakouts: How to prevent it and how to treat breakouts.

How should you manage and treat acne and breakouts?

Acne is a skin condition that occurs when your hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. Some types of skin bacteria may make pimples worse. Pimples can appear anywhere on the skin, but they most often occur on the face.

Follow these four steps to get on top of your acne and breakouts once and for all.

Part 2. Sleep your way to glowing skin: our top 10 tips and hacks for better snoozing

It’s common knowledge that most of us don’t get enough sleep. What most people don’t realize is that the hours we spend asleep are actually just as beneficial, if not more so, as your skincare routine

What is a serum and why should you add it to your skincare?

Serums are designed to deliver high concentrations of specific active ingredients to the skin. There are many different types of serums out there that perform different jobs, ranging from hydration to skin brightening to anti-aging.