Top ingredients to brighten up dull skin

Top ingredients to brighten up dull skin

Has your skin lost its glow? You might be interested in finding out what's causing your dull skin and how to achieve a healthy, radiant glow. When you have dull, sallow skin, you might question what is causing it and how to discover the best treatment to restore your skin's youthful vitality.

What causes dull skin?

The largest organ in your body is your skin. It follows that there will be moments when your skin will appear a little under the weather. Finding out why and how to fix it is the important part.

Every 30 days or so, our skin naturally sheds old cells and replaces them with fresh ones. When dead skin cells accumulate on the outer layers of your skin instead of flaking off as they should, it results in dull, flaky skin that may even block your pores.

Unfortunately, as we grow older, our natural rate of cell turnover slows, leaving our skin feeling lifeless and rough. As a result, lines and wrinkles become deeper as dead skin cells accumulate around them on the surface of the skin.

In addition to dehydration and environmental pollutants, your skin's capacity to carry out crucial tasks like cell turnover is impacted.

Skin cells only have a certain amount of energy, and when they use it all up trying to solve these issues, they eventually give up from exhaustion. Skin damage results, leaving you with a dry, lifeless complexion.

Let's look at some of the most typical reasons why skin appears dull.

  • Dryness

Dry skin has a tendency to look lifeless and dull very quickly. This is especially true if you live in an area with very little humidity or during the winter when the air is chilly and dry.

  • Aging

Life's inevitable transition into old age. So is aging skin. Even though you have little control over the aging process, you can develop a skincare routine that will help provide your skin with the vitamins, minerals, and water it needs to stay strong and youthful.

  • Accumulation of dead skin cells

In order to make room for new cells, your skin naturally sheds dead cells on a regular basis. However, occasionally the dead cells don't shed properly. Instead, they thicken the skin's surface. Skin that is dry, dull, flaky, and spotty may result from this.

  • Dehydration

Lack of water intake will probably have an impact on how your skin looks. According to a study, there is a significant correlation between getting enough water and having healthy skin.

Increased hydration from underneath the surface of your skin can be achieved by drinking lots of water. Additionally, using a moisturising face serum might aid in retaining moisture in your skin's top layers.

  • Not using a moisturiser

Lack of moisturiser can have an impact on the health and vibrancy of your skin, particularly if you have dry skin. A moisturiser applied twice daily can help hydrate your skin and safeguard the thin top layer.

  • Nicotine use

Smoking is a significant environmental influence on early skin aging, according to an analysis.

Smoking can damage your skin's collagen synthesis, elastin, and connective tissue. Your skin cells may experience more oxidative stress as a result. All of these factors can hasten age and make skin appear dull.

How to revitalise dull skin

Everyone occasionally experiences dull skin. But if you frequently have dull skin, you may be asking what you can do to brighten your skin.

The good news? You have a lot of choices.



  1. Be gentle with your skin

Make sure you've thoroughly removed all of your makeup and pore-clogging dirt from the day, but be gentle.

To avoid skin irritation, tiny tears, redness, stiffness, and flaky skin, stay away from abrasive washes and drying soaps.

Instead of stripping and harming the top layer of your skin, use a cleansing oil first to remove your makeup and sunscreen. Use a soft damp cloth to wipe away the excess oil.

  1. Include exfoliation in your skincare routine

Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells and accumulated skin debris from the epidermis, the outer layer of skin.

To get rid of the old cells, you can use a chemical or physical exfoliation technique (more on that in a moment). This prevents pores from clogging and displays the younger, healthier skin beneath.

Exfoliation aids in the natural cell renewal process of your skin. Fresh cells are "born" in the epidermis's lowest layer, where this process starts. These fresh, springy cells ascend through the epidermis' additional layers until they come to the skin's surface.

  1. Include a serum in your routine

Face serums have a potent concentration of chemicals that help to hydrate your skin, brighten your skin, and reduce aging signs.

You can use serums once or twice a day after cleansing because they immediately seep into your skin.

  1. Don't use hot water

Avoid using hot water or abrasive soaps while caring for your skin.

Natural oils can be stripped away by hot water, which can irritate and dry up the skin. Additionally, it may result in superficial vascular dilatation, which may briefly give the appearance of red skin.

Instead, wash your face with lukewarm water. To assist preserve moisture, use a hydrating cleanser that contains ingredients like coconut oil, shea butter, or almond oil.

  1. Do a weekly face mask 

Another great method to acquire glowing skin is to treat yourself to a face mask once a week. In general, depending on the product and your skin type, you can use a face mask 1–3 times per week.

Before putting a face mask on your skin, be sure you have read the instructions.

  1. Make the most of your moisturiser

Make the most of your moisturiser

A source claims that using the appropriate moisturiser twice daily can help you maintain the health of your skin and treat different dermatitis types.



  1. Don't forget the sunscreen 

This will aid in reducing the effects of UV rays on the skin, such as skin dyspigmentation, aging brown patches, and rough, dull texture.


What skincare ingredients work best for treating dull skin?

What skincare ingredients work best for treating dull skin? The key is to change up your skincare routine and pay attention to what is in the products you're using if your skin has lost its brightness. Let's check some of the best components for reviving skin that appears dull.

  • Vitamin C

Vitamin C has long been a part of the skincare industry, holding many amazing benefits. But do you actually know what your Vitamin C serum is doing for you? Or why you should include it in your skincare routine?

Our Vitamin C ingredient, found in all our Dream Serums as part of our Trios, is derived from the Kakadu Plums, which have the highest recorded natural amount of vitamin C of any food in the world.

Fun fact: Because the human body does not produce its own Vitamin C, it relies on obtaining it through external sources.

  • Bakuchiol

Bakuchiol has long been loved for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties – the same characteristics that have led scientists to take a closer look at it in recent years.

Studies have revealed bakuchiol’s effect on the skin is remarkably similar to retinol - it has been shown to act on the same genes in the skin to stimulate collagen production and increase cell turnover, therefore diminishing signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, skin laxity, and overall photodamage, as well as helping to treat acne.

Throw in the fact that bakuchiol is vegan-friendly, and we have a winner, in our books!

This is why we have introduced it to the GoodieCo ranks, in the form of the small but mighty Bounce, the 1% Bakuchiol Booster and our concentrated Silk - Bakuchiol Pressed Balm.

(Psst, did you know 1% bakuchiol is the highest concentration you can have in skincare? Only the very best for you!).

Bounce contains only 3 ingredients: Cold pressed Babchi seeds (Bakuchiol), Pure Kakadu Plum Oil and Organic cold-pressed Sunflower Oil. If you know anything about us, we like to keep things pure, simple and powerful around here!



Bounce is part of our fresh range, The Ageless Routine, which is a stand-alone nighttime routine designed to restore and rejuvenate aging skin. It has been two years in the making!

  • AHA & BHA

The next important ingredient which is scientifically proven to give results - is exfoliation. Chemical exfoliants, which can be further divided into AHAs (alpha-hydroxy acids), BHAs (beta hydroxy acids), and fruit enzymes, are another kind of face exfoliator.

Do not be alarmed by the word "acid"; these compounds can be quite helpful for your skin. Acids help your dead skin cells loosen and slough off the skin by dissolving the "glue" that holds them together, as opposed to depending on a mechanical action to remove them from your face.

This is the procedure of eliminating your dead skin cells. This technique is highly recommended by dermatologists because it makes your skin look brighter and improves other effective skincare products’ viability by upgrading retention. AHA is recommended for normal, dry and sensitive skin while BHA for oily or acne-prone skin.

  • Vitamin E

Unfortunately, with time and sun damage, the skin’s vitamin E decreases, depleting our natural ability to fight the signs of ageing.

However, the good news is, you can replenish your skin with topically applied vitamin E. 

There are actually eight basic forms of the vitamin E molecule, and they can be either synthetically or naturally derived. Research has shown that natural forms of vitamin E are more effective than their synthetic counterparts, which is why we only use natural forms of Vitamin E in our Goodieco skincare products, which when combined with Vitamin C, together they can improve the appearance of uneven skin tone, brighten a dull complexion, and strengthen skin’s defenses against the impact of environmental assault. 

Antioxidants play well together because vitamin C works optimally on the surface level, whereas vitamin E is oil-soluble so it goes deeper—you get the best of both worlds.

  • Coenzyme Q10 & Niacinamide

First of all, Coenzyme Q10 is a nutrient that occurs naturally in the body - it is a fat-soluble vitamin-like substance present in every cell of the human body. As a coenzyme, it is vital to the production of energy within your cells.

A coenzyme is a substance that enhances or is necessary for the action of enzymes. They are generally much smaller than enzymes themselves.

CoQ10 reduces these free radicals and therefore helps to reduce the damage to your skin.

In fact, when CoQ10 is applied directly to the skin - as found in our POW Skin Power C+ and our new Sunshine Liquid Antioxidant Treatment - it has been shown to reduce damage caused by free radicals and UV rays and even decrease the depth of wrinkles, as well as epithelial cell turnover. 

The POW CoQ10 Powder has been combined with Vitamin C, Vitamin B (Niacinamide) and Malic Acid. This unique, dry formulation ensures these active ingredients are fully skin stable and at their most effective state.

Keratinocyte cells make up the majority of human skin cells and CoQ10 has been shown to protect these skin cells from oxidative DNA damage brought on by ultraviolet light.



  • Malic Acid

Malic Acid is an alpha-hydroxy acid made from apples, making it one of the milder acids available. It offers various benefits to your skin because of its brightening properties, and it works well to gently remove dead, dry skin cells that can cause your complexion to look dull and lifeless dry. But primarily, it also serves as a chemical exfoliator. Malic acid increases cell turnover and exfoliates dead skin cells from the top layer of the skin, making the skin lighter and fairer and assisting in preventing clogged pores.

Malic acid is naturally created by the body when carbs are broken down into energy, and it can be found in fruits and vegetables. Malic acid supplements may help persons with specific illnesses, according to some research, but high-quality clinical trials are required.

Malic acid can be found in The Ageless routine. This evening routine promotes youthful, beautiful skin by working to prevent and counteract the symptoms of aging. All skin types can utilize this product, which is meant to be used as a nighttime treatment in combination with your regular Nourishing/Supercharging routine.

In conclusion,

Dehydration, lifestyle selections, or poor skin care practices can all contribute to dull skin. Fortunately, there are actions and best ingredients you may include to increase the natural radiance of your skin.

Utilising a hydrating serum and face mask, exfoliating your skin, moisturising twice daily, and using the best ingredients for your skin can all help give dull skin a healthier, more radiant appearance.

Talk to your doctor or a dermatologist if you have any queries about your skin or which product to use.